Ceramic Christmas Ornament

Ceramic Christmas Ornament

Items needed:

- ceramic cross (or other shape) ornament
- 1 in. hand held hole punch (this is a Fiskars brand)
- ribbon
- Mod Podge
- glass paint or gloss ceramic paint (I prefer Martha's brand because the
tip makes them easier to apply little details, like dots.) 

I made these as a Christmas gift for our volunteer catechists.
I know volunteers don't expect anything but it feels great
 to be appreciated and I want them to know that 
they are a blessing in our community.
For Christmas I wanted to give them something 
unique and handmade to show that I took my time 
to pray and think about each one of them. 

This is what I came up with:
1. Start by painting a base color on the front of the cross and sides. 

2. While the paint dries find an image you like. 
I used one of the Holy Family by searching on Google for "Nativity of our Lord" 

3. Reduce the size of your image to fit the 1in. hole punch. 

4. Print and punch.

5. Once the paint has dried completely, 
brush a small amount of mod podge in the center of the cross 
and place the circle image on top of it. 
Then, brush a little more mod podge on the top of the image to seal it. 

6. Let it dry at least an hour.

7. Add flair to your ornament, swirls, dots, stripes, or frame the image. 

8. To set the paint, you must bake it in the 
oven according to the paint label directions. 

9. To finish it up just add a pretty ribbon.

This could also be used for Valentine's Day
 or any other celebration. 
It's also an easy enough project for children to help with. 

*If you are planning to make 30+ like I did, 
don't wait until the day before you need them to start. 
I seem to do my best work under pressure :)

I hope you enjoyed our first tutorial of 2014.
Send us pictures of your projects. 
